Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Have you had the chance to play with this stuff?

It is called Moon Dough and it is a-w-e-s-o-m-e.

It has been on my "we-should-try-this" list for quite some time, but we have not gotten to it. (It is a rather lengthy list.)

The boy got some for his birthday. And we are so glad he did.

The texture is hard to describe.

Daddy tried, "It's like playing with cotton candy. No, more like Airheads. No..."
Hey babe, your sweet tooth is showing.

You really just need to try it out yourself. Really you do.

It was fun to use with molds and shape cutters as well as just free play. BBD made a lot of "clouds".

The Playdough Princess declared, "This may be my new favorite thing to do."

{Other positives: apparently "never dries out" and easy clean up}

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