Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cupcake Flowers

Inspired by Valerie of one of my all time favorite sites, we made our own Build a Flower Activity Set.

The son was disappointed when I told him the baking cups I had out were to make flowers.
BBD: I thought you were going to make cupcakes.
M: How about muffins?
BBD:Of course!...and juice.

I didn't have cute baking cups so we fancified ours with good ole crayons. And trimmed them with the fancy scissors-which I also used to cut out the leaves.

Putting the flowers together is strangely calming, especially adding lots of beads. They are fun to build, and rebuild.

CB has a song for it "build it again, take it apart, build it again, take it apart, add a new leaf, put on a bead-see?, build it again-change it, build it again-change it, build it again-change it".

Please check out some of these fabulous linky parties. Wonderful ideas and inspiration await! Thank you!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday Interview

Favorite color:


Favorite food:

Pepperoni pizza

“Are you talking about my favorite sugar treat”:


Favorite song:

I have 2 favorite songs. Is that okay?

My Cuddle Song and Twinkle, Twinkle

Favorite thing about yourself:

That Boo Dah is happy. {She had him cracking up.} That I am nice and kind.

What do you like to do:

I like playing with my friends, a lot.

What do you want to do this year:

I want to have a party.

What do you want to do when you grow up:

I want to visit your house lots and lots and lots and lots.


People don’t know that I am a ballerina.

Birthday Book Countdown

Our book countdown for Christmas was such a hit, that I decided to do one for the daughter's birthday as well.

This time, I just wrapped each book in a single sheet of construction paper and tied a simple string around. She enjoyed counting the books in the pile to see how many days were left. A little bit poked out on most of them and she would try to guess what the book would be about.

The books were piled in strategic order. We started with the Skippyjon Jones series, which both children absolutely fell in love with.

She danced around and jumped for joy when she opened "If You Give a Pig a Party" on the eve before her shindig.

And the main feature opened the morning of her birthday:

{It is this little ballerina's birthday in the story too.}

She was so excited to write her name in the front cover. She even included a heart.

She took it to school and Miss Amy read it to the whole class.

"You saved the best for last, Mom!"

Please check out some of these fabulous linky parties. Wonderful ideas and inspiration await! Thank you!

Birthday Traditions

Here are a few things that I have adopted to be Birthday Traditions. I wish I would have started them from the get go, but I can do them from now on.


Click here for a full run down.



Dinner too.


May seem silly, but it means a lot to the kids-as integral to the decorations as balloons. When I asked what we should get Pop for his birthday, the daughter said, "a birthday banner".

Daddy gets the girl a bouquet every year. {I am thinking the son would like a delivery of candy.}

Series of questions to be asked each year on the big day.

See an example here.

I would LOVE to hear about your traditions too.

Please check out some of these fabulous linky parties. Wonderful ideas and inspiration await! Thank you!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Say NO to litter boxes

Using the toilet is a pretty big deal in our house right now.

Prompted by this:

I was explaining to the son what a litter box is.

I want to poop in THAT!

So glad we don't have a litter box. Just so glad.

And hoping he doesn't discover an imaginative replacement.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Our resident artist is turning 5.

"I just love being artsy."

The girl had big plans for her party.

There were crafts galore.

Fabulous gifts.

The. doll. she. just. had. to. have.

She deviated from her original plan and decided on cupcakes. With various colors of icing-so people could pick, this was very important to her. And sprinkles to be added-also important.

And general ruckus.

"It was great." But she asked me several times, "Do you think everyone had a good time?"

She could not pick a favorite part. If her guests had a fraction of the fun she did, I would say it was a success.

Her brother apparently had a wonderful time, in the morning he was bubbling over with excitement and big plans of his own. "I'm going to take these [pajamas] off to make room for clothes! They're gonna be here any minute! And we will have the party back in! We are going to do it all again!" He also felt it was important to point out, "There are still cupcakes left."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love Bugs

BBD found some craft foam paint pens so we brought out the foam and other crafting goodies.

The paint did not work so well-guess that is why it was on sale.

The girl and I made some love bugs.

I am not sure what the boy made, at one point in time it was a yellow snowman.

The girl made me some hearts too, so I could "make something".

So I did.

She also made a little girl who is raising her hand cause she knows the answer.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mushtache Valentine

Want to make your own funky felt mustaches? Click here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love Notes

The boy received these super cool alphabet stamp markers for his birthday.

The kids liked them.

I loved them.

I was still at the table long after the little ones had moved on to other things. Daddy observed this fact with amusement, "I see you have outlasted the kids. Those things are that much fun?"

Yes. Yes they are.

I made these lovetastic love notes:

Aren't they just swell?

Bright Spots

I recently got these awards from the sweet Christina over at The Tattered Tag.

Here's how the awards works:
Thank and link back to the person(s) who bestowed the awards
Share 7 random things about yourself
Nominate 15 other awesome bloggers
Contact those bloggers and inform them about the award

Some random things about little ole me:

1. I enjoy cheesiness. The punnier the better.
2. I like a hot drink to start my morning-chai, hot cocoa, tea {preferably Refresh}
3. I dig googly eyes and glitter. Paint ain't too shabby either.
4. I dream of having my own private preschool.
5. I have a craft hoarding problem.
6. I ate a bag of Cheetos today and refused to let my husband read the nutrition info to me. I thoroughly enjoyed them.
7. I am a ninja master robot extraordinaire.

Some awesome bloggers you should totally swing by:
1. Jenny from Bugger-Dixonline
2. LeAnne from Everyday Celebrations
3. Brandy at Gluesticks
4. Tammy at Type A
5. Tamara at Etcetorize
6. Megan at Polish the Stars
7. Sky at The Buffat Family
8. Julie at Singing Three Little Birds
9.Sue at Creative Tryals
10. Brenda at Deck the Halls of Home with Joy
11. Melissa at Honey Scrap
12. Shauna at His Frugal Servant
13. Michelle at Land of the Misfit Toys
14. The mother at My Kids Make
15. Jenny at Embellishing Life

Sunday, February 6, 2011


For homework, the girl was supposed to make toothpaste out of baking soda, water, and some sort of extract for flavoring.

Amounts are not given, you experiment.

For the record, I do not recommend vanilla {all we had handy}.

We had fun. I am not sure which part was the most fun-the making of the tooth paste or the making of the display board.

{pictures were taken at night when we finished so forgive me}

My favorite detail:

"I drew a sucker.
How do you spell 'no'
cause you can't have those everyday."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

what tulips are for

My husband bought me some flowers to say I am thinking of you.

They were lovely and smelled divine and made me smile and feel pretty special.

On the ride home, he asked, "What are you thinking about?"

I told him I was wondering what kind of print the tulips would make.

"Like with paint?"


I can't help it. This is how my brain is wired. I teach preschool.

So today, we found out.

Turns out:


The boy thought I was crazy, I am pretty sure I am a genius. Look at him, turning up his nose at my greatness.

"I like the paintbrush."
Nothing wrong with the classics.

We also made heart prints using a cut and folded tp tube.

The girl had the great idea to fill in the hearts and add centers to the flower prints.

"I am a genius. All my plans are turning out well."

I do not know where she gets her sense of humility.

Please check out some of these fabulous linky parties. Wonderful ideas and inspiration await! Thank you!