In honor of this handsome man:
*swoon*For Father's Day this year we had a championship competition with this bad boy of a trophy at stake:

Yeah, it is a beauty.
Whoever wins the most mini games, wins the trophy.
Such concentration.
And I appear to be suspicious of BBD, not sure why, but chances are, it was well founded.Anyway,

I won!
Want your own Lego Bingo? I got it
here from
Big D and Me.
ZOO RACE:When Daddy saw the commercial for this he wanted it. Badly. We watched the commercial over and over.

We each made an animal and took turns racing. The first animal to "escape the zoo", wins.

Sub par video of only the last little bit of one race:The race I should have recorded...

Things got a little intense at the end.

That's right. Me, again.
The best part, by far, is the warming up.

Daddy is victorious.
HORSE SHOES:Or as it shall be known from this day forth: Shoe Horses.

Turns out I do much better with a more frisbee like approach. Wish Daddy would have let that little gem of advice drop earlier...

No matter where BBD's horse shoe landed, including the roof, he would say good naturedly, "Oh, sooo close!"
Little devil,

he won.
SWIPE:BBD lost interest in Shoe Horses way before Daddy did. He entertained himself with the cold pool and a ball.

I threw in a butterfly net. From that a new game was born.

We played Swipe two ways. 1) how many balls can you swipe in a set amount of time and 2) how long does it take you to swipe ALL of the balls out of the pool.
Daddy won both ways.
Next year, I am thinking that we will each have our own net so things can get really spicy. The ample opportunity for elbowing will give BBD the advantage.
Heads up, I will be refining my swipe (and elbowing) skills.
I am not allowed to post this picture in all of it's original glory. So you get fierce dragon glory, which is the next best thing.
VIDEO GAME:We lit it up with Mario Party 8.

It was well deserved. He was definitely the most dramatic.

He is actually laughing in that second shot. Not to mislead you, there were plenty of tears too, I just didn't get a picture of that.
PIE EATING CONTEST:This event was Daddy's idea, of the chocolate cream variety.

Hands were not allowed to touch the pie. This raised no eyebrows in our household, but I had a hard time swallowing because it gave me a case of the giggles. Not so good when you are going for speed.
I looked up while trying to breathe better to see that this girl had polished off her piece and was in the process of licking the plate clean:

That is her second piece of pie in the picture. Like a victory lap.
And somehow, her face is the least messy.

At dinnertime, BBD asked, "Can we eat like animals again?"
The score sheet:
So Daddy got to rightfully claim the trophy he had already been claiming for awhile now.

And planning for next year's competition has started.

Daddy has already asked me what games we will be playing next year. CB has appointed herself to a more active role on the planning committee. "I have lots of plans for this competition. I just shared one opinion." At last count she had 5 new activities.
While this idea was perfect for our Daddy, it was not my own. I got it
here at Make and Takes.
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